Hello everyone!
I would like to underline something different in this chapter, Testosterone Hormone. It is known as man hormone, but do you know what it is exactly, or women have this hormone? We will take a look for these questions, and more.
Hormones are crucial for each of us, and that effects directly or indirectly for our daily life necessities and quality. In terms of feeling relief, It has many indicators to stay balance.
Let's have a chat about female testosterone. While it's common knowledge that testosterone is crucial to men's health, its importance to women's bodies and well-being is often neglected. In this article, we will discuss the positive effects of testosterone on women's bodies, especially as we get older.

Testosterone in Women?
One of our primary hormones, testosterone, is often misunderstood by females. We also have androgens and progesterone. When our bodies’ hormone levels are just right, we feel and look great.
The female body naturally produces more testosterone than estrogen throughout most of a woman's life. The only time this is not the case is during pregnancy, when our bodies naturally produce extremely high levels of estradiol (a form of estrogen) to help sustain the developing baby.
Sexual Health
Feminine testosterone promotes a feeling of health and happiness. It helps us feel energized, go the distance, and keep our strength and muscle mass. It also effects muscle preservation aids metabolic rate maintenance. When it comes to a woman's libido and sexual performance, testosterone is essential. That is not evitable and has to be considered as crucial for the clitoris to be as sensitive as possible.
Skin Health
It is very important to keep our skin elasticity in long terms aging. That means it is getting important to have healthy collagen production. For healthy collagen production and dermal thickness, testosterone is crucial. The skin of an elderly woman becomes much more wrinkled over time. Lack of collagen, and thus testosterone, causes the skin to thin out significantly.

Testosterone Decreases With Age
The levels of this crucial hormone begin to drop as we get older. It is very normal process. Unfortunately, this begins in our mid to late thirties, around the same time that our progesterone hormone levels begin to decline. For this concern, there are some different thoughts. There's some debate over which hormone declines faster, testosterone or progesterone. In our mid- to late-thirties, again, is the age at which this phenomenon is most commonly discussed, though.
At the outset of our hormone replacement therapy program, and on an intermittent basis thereafter, I conduct extensive urine tests to track your levels. This lets me know how quickly your body processes the testosterone, where your levels currently are, and how much you may need. I do tailor our care to the specific needs of each patient because I recognize that they are all unique.
The female body relies heavily on testosterone, and its importance is comparable to that of testosterone in men. Because of the potential for adverse effects from administering excessive amounts of testosterone to female patients. That’s why it is very important to evaluate the level of it.
Get Your Levels Checked!
Reduced testosterone levels may contribute to the general lethargy and loss of vitality experienced by many middle-aged and older women. To that end, I recommend that you have a checkup for your hormone levelsand according to your test results if you have low testosterone level, I do create personalized bio-identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy just for you!
If you answered YES to any of the following questions, it's important to talk about further testing and treatment options:
Is vaginal penetration dry, uncomfortable, or painful for you?
Have you lost interest in or thoughts about sexual activity?
Are you less interested in having sexual interactions with your partner?
A decrease in receptivity to sexual stimulation?
Do you struggle with orgasm?
Does this bother or distress you if you answered yes to any of the above?
Would you be interested in getting treatment, if your answer to any of the above questions was "yes"?
Don't forget , You are not alone , I am with you!
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