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Non Surgical Treatments

Writer's picture: MD.Kubra AltintasMD.Kubra Altintas

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

Feel Better, Feel Relaxed

Hey everyone! I hope all you are fine and do not forget to drink water in these hot days. We should be very careful to stay hydrated for our body and our mental health in these days so that live our daily routine life in peace and relax.

This week’s topic is Stress Urinary Incontinence, which can affect our daily life directly. Stress Urinary Incontinence is when a small amount of urine leaks out of the urethra when doing something like coughing or sneezing. It might be actually most common in women who have just had a baby, but it can also happen to older people. Also among men.

We generally have patients, whose bladder and urethra are suddenly pressed, this can lead to stress incontinence. This pressure opens the sphincter muscle in the urethra for a short time, which lets urine flow out. The bladder can be squeezed by anything, like cleaning, doing some sports activities such as jumping, or while drinking coffee you may need to cough or sneeze. At that time, your bladder can be squeezed under normal circumstances.

There is another type fort his situation, called Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI), also called an overactive bladder. It is when a person suddenly needs to urinate and often leaks urine in public or while they are sleeping. Also, we all are working too many times in our daily life and you may not find time to g oto toilet and postpone your need. That can push your muscles to work hard and keep your bladder working all the time. That may cause a spasm and that spasm can lead UUI occurs.

It is very common to think that urinary incontinence is caused by getting older among people, but this is not always the case. SUI, UUI, and even a mix of the two called mixed urinary incontinence, can happen to younger women. Yes, that might happen. We do not choose our bodies and our daily life may cause to happen this too.

What about people who have age around 65? That condition, stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is thought to affect about half of all women over 65. But do not forget that being unable to hold your urine is not a normal part of getting older. It's a sign, a clue of something wrong, and your body talks to you while showing this and that can be fixed with the right treatment. Do not postpone this. Accept what you have, and take action to fix it.

Ok, but What Are the Causes of Stress Incontinence?

Pregnancy and having a baby (particularly vaginal birth). As we checked above, It’s about muscles.

Menopause. Our bodies will change in some ways and we should be aware of that.

Coughing frequently. It should be focused on why you are couching all the time while having an examination for SUI.

Nerve damage in the lower back or pelvis and Obesity and Diabetes.

Having pelvic surgery, like a hysterectomy.

Prostate cancer or having a big prostate (you may check: benign prostatic hyperplasia and uterine prolapse).


Do you remember Kegels Exercises? If you read my older blogs, yes you can! So, can pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) solve stress incontinence?

The answer is YES! Pelvic floor exercises-Kegels can help you to build up the muscles that hold up your urinary system. It is the main object for us. Of course, It can be hard to work out and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles in the right way. There are some plans to be set only for you and if you follow up on the system, yeah it can be lessened every day.

There are also other ways to use get rid of stress incontinence's effects.

Eating foods with a lot of fiber and drinking a lot of water, stopping smoking or using tobacco, taking care of health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, keeping your weight in a good and fit range, go to the bathroom at certain times.

Are There Any Special Details For Women?

Of course! We should focus on these details: After menopause, creams, gels, rings, or patches with estrogen can be used to strengthen the muscles and tissues in the genital area. We have lots of treatment methods, which are highly effective and mostly used.

What about PREVENTION, Which is the Best!

We mentioned some of the above and please do not forget, and try to avoid them.

Have a healthy weight, don't smoke, do pelvic floor exercises every day, especially if you're pregnant, avoid constipation (eating healthy).

What We Have to TREATMENT

Do you remember our lovely O Spot Shot? This procedure is effective and I do apply it without surgery as you know. Please find O Spot Shot Blog and refresh your mind on how we solve many things in a quick time period, without surgery, having something useful from our bodies, and after treatment, we can continue our lives! Isn’t that amazing?!

For a quick reminder: This procedure uses the growth factors that each woman already has in her body to help her vaginal and clitoral areas get younger. The O-Spot Shot rejuvenates the vagina by using your own growth factors. This improves your sexual experience and helps with stress incontinence at the same time! The O Spot Shot is really brilliant method to solve many things.

O Spot Shot can be called a factor for healing (called Platelet Rich Plasma) and applies to places like the G spot and clitoris. It is natural and can be considered painless.

When we inject the platelets, they start working to improve vaginal and clitoral function.

Laser Vaginal Treatment, please click on it to find the related blog if you need to refresh your mind what is it, can be used to treat a number of symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and atrophy, vaginal relaxation syndrome, and SUI (stress urinary incontinence) too!

There is another method called High-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM). It is another tool for us to use and strengthen our pelvic floor muscle contractions. HIFEM can help restore neuromuscular control by stimulating the whole pelvic floor. We discussed these muscles before. It is our main focus to make them stronger. This HIFEM technology is used in some different ways and I do use it with a chair. Yes with a chair.

I do have a chair with HIFEM technology and It has sessions to treat my patients. I do observe much good progress among my patients so far. It is not a miracle, but a good way to use for treatment. Single session, thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscles can be affected by contractions easily. These contractions are very important for retraining muscles and improving intimate health. This is the way that we should consider.

On the other hand, we know that radiofrequency technology is safe and effective for treating many different ways as treatment and also for urinary incontinence too. This technology uses energy to warm up your skin and encourage the production of new collagen and elastin. It triggers to regenerate something useful.

Collagen and elastin proteins help to keep your skin tight, and they can also help to make your skin strengthen and also connect, muscles that help you control your bladder. Isn’t that awesome ?!

Please focus on what you will have. These methods are to conduct in my examination room! You do not need to go to the operation theatre or have any anesthesia, and this way you saved yourself to get rid of all adverse effects that come from anesthesia, surgery, and pain. Also, these methods take a very short time. Before and after treatment, the day is still yours!

We will check our bodies every day, every moment that we have lived something not good, something that we dislike. People live many different ways and It might be very difficult to obtain what is the reason. Please keep your awareness and think about where should you start to understand what is it.

Then do not forget you are not alone! I am with you and we can solve it!


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