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Sexual Problems in Women

Writer's picture: MD.Kubra AltintasMD.Kubra Altintas

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've chosed the topic focus on sexual dysfunction this week because it's one of the most common issues as I see in my practice. Particularly in the second half of life, which is a regular occurrence.

I was wondering if you were a fan of classical music. Is Vivaldi a name familiar to you? To the general public, he is known as a wonderful composer who devoted his life to classical music. He's got a lot of sonatas and concertos. One of my favorite pieces is the Four Seasons Sonata, which you have certainly heard of lıke our lıfespan. It has four stages.

Ages range from young to old, from childhood to adolescence. As adults, we may face challenges originating from a wide variety of sources. The vast majority of my patients fall into this category, and they present with a wide range of issues.

Patients often present with a wide variety of issues, and sexual dysfunctions are rarely typical. Moreover, this dysfunction is often hidden, and women affected may not even be aware that anything is wrong. In short , most individuals have no idea what the word "orgasm" means. Seventy-five percent of North American and European women have never experienced an orgasm beyond their sexual maturity. Having to explain this to patients is quite difficult. We will get through this, though it may take some time.

The Latin word libido means "sexual desire," and both men and women can experience it. On the other hand, most people accept and even embrace their desire. Is there a predetermined average, or may it be low or high? However, some people do experience libido, albeit at a modest level.

Sexual Dysfunction problems can lead to difficulties in personal relationships, a decrease in sexual drive, and even low self-esteem. That could make you feel that there's something wrong with you or that you're missing something essential.

All of these things can become more difficult when you already have a low libido, and they are especially likely to do so if you have trouble communicating with your spouse or doctor.

Hormone levels, including estrogen and testosterone, are often directly responsible for reduced libido. These hormones indicate the underlying cause of many medical conditions because they are specific to each gender. However, there are strategies for restoring equilibrium to these parameters.

Reduced Sexual Drive with Age

Both genders, physically and sexually, mature to their fullest capacity in their twenties. Their physical abilities and general health are at their highest and healthiest points respectively at this time (provided they eat a well-rounded diet and regular exercise). Diet and exercise are just two examples of lifestyle factors that could be significant.

This is also the decade when libido peaks. High levels of testosterone and estrogen, the two primary sexual hormones in men and women, are linked to this.

In contrast, the body will not maintain the levels of testosterone and estrogen that it does in its twenties permanently. To put it bluntly, we are not mechanical devices. As the body reaches and passes its peak sexual maturity, it progressively switches its focus away from the production of testosterone and estrogen and toward the production of other hormones, or enters a more homeostatic condition.

How About Looking at the Same Issue from the Women's Perspective?

There are many potential causes of decreased libido in females. Menopause is the climax of a lifelong decline in estrogen levels in women. Given that estrogen is crucial for a woman's sex drive, it is common for a woman's libido to diminish during and after menopause, and it may never return to the levels it had before menopause.

In addition to testosterone, estrogen is a powerful hormone that has profound effects on a woman's body. According to the data, females are faring better than males during the pandemic stages of the Coronavirus. I find that to be incredibly fascinating. Menopause's direct effects on the immune system are exacerbated by the gradual decline in estrogen levels.

As a gender, women are more vulnerable to the adverse outcomes associated with stress, mental health issues like depression, medication side effects, insufficient sleep, and other variables than men. It takes less to reduce libido to the point where sex becomes uncommon in women because women generally have a lower average sex drive and may suffer from vaginal dryness. All of these factors may have a stronger effect on men's libido than on women's.

In addition, a woman's genitalia may change after giving birth. In this way, it simultaneously impacts sexual desire.

In a nutshell, low libido can be a gradual drop or an abrupt change for both men and women. The question now is, "What can we do about it?"

Treatment options include O-Shot, Shockwave Therapy, Peptide Therapy, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Laser Therapy, and Radiofrequency options. Which one works the best, and fits your needs the best? It's in your best interest to come in and see for yourself. I'll do my best to explain everything, but for now, let's talk more about how HRT can help with low libido.

The Use of Synthetic Hormones to Treat Low Hormone Level

If you suffer from low libido, you may benefit from hormone replacement treatment, sometimes known as HRT, which is a method that has been thoroughly studied and proven to be successful.

In what ways may we apply it? Hormone replacement treatment (HRT) is the practice of supplementing decreased levels of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

The regulation of body weight and metabolism, libido or sex drive, muscle growth, mood, and cognition are only a few of the many biological tasks aided by these hormones.

An individual's hormone levels gradually decrease with age due to a number of variables. When given to women going through menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may have positive effects.

When low estrogen levels are replaced with bio-identical estrogen, normal hormone levels are restored, potentially relieving a number of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, and unexpected weight gain, in women. Hormone replacement therapy is the term for this method (HRT).

Do Hormone Replacement Therapies Show Promise in Treating Libido Decline?

It's feasible, but only if low libido is caused by a natural fall in hormone levels (as opposed to other causes like advancing age, stressful life events, or medication).

Remember that low levels of testosterone or estrogen can have a major impact on libido in both men and women. Given this, it is reasonable to assume that hormone replacement therapy may be useful in reversing the ensuing loss of libido.

A healthy hormonal balance makes for a more pleasant physical environment.

Do not Forget! You are not alone, I am here to support you.


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